Company characteristics
Our Company was founded in 1951. Since then, our Company has been an author of majority of studies and designs for the most important water engineering structures in Poland, as well as major water management studies, plans and programmes in our country.
For over 70 years we have been providing specialized engineering, design and consultancy services as well as in the field of management and supervision over implemented projects, ensuring high quality and timely execution of entrusted tasks.
Our goal is to conduct a sustainable and responsible business and generate a positive impact on the environment by using the knowledge and experience of our employees.
Our clients are domestic and foreign investors, both in the public and private sectors.
With years of experience and constantly augmented knowledge, we combine the use of traditional and recognized solutions with innovative proposals in the field of modern construction materials and technologies, as well as the increasing requirements in the field of environmental protection. Multi-discipline competencies enable us to implement complex projects requiring non-standard solutions.
In 2008 our Company joined forces with the Royal Haskoning DHV Group – Consultancy and Engineering, a global provider of consulting services and engineering in the area of transportation (including aviation), construction, industry, urban planning, environment, and water sector, existing on the international market for over 140 years, employing 6,000 employees in over 30 countries.
Let’s enhance society together!
As a part of RHDHV Group, we offer to our Clients a range of services in which we are recognised as being at the forefront of our field. These services spearhead our commitment to market leadership, excellence and innovation.
Company history
We start our activity as state owned Central Office of Studies and Designs for Water Engineering „Hydroprojekt”
1951 - 1976
Regional offices are established in Warsaw, Krakow, Poznań, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Włocławek, and Katowice were founded
1973 – 1977
We build the Hydraulic Modelling Laboratory in Włocławek
Followed by the privatization of the company, our office is transformed into a „Hydroprojekt Warszawa” Ltd
We are changing the name of the company to "Hydroprojekt Ltd.”
We receive the Award for „Polish Ecology Leader 2002/2003” in the VII edition of the Ministry of the Environment Competition for the project of Flood Protection of the City Opole – the Relief Canal
We receive an international award at the 6th International Water Symposium in Cannes „Lumiere de l'Eau 2004”
For our previous achievements, we receive the award for „Best Engineering Company in Poland 1990-2005” from the Civil Engineering Chamber

We receive the Award for „Polish Ecology Leader 2005/2006” in the ninth edition of the Ministry of the Environment Competition for specific projects of water reservoirs, which are created in the river valleys, mining excavations after the exploitation of mineral resources: Rehabilitation of the „Machów” Sulphur Mine Rehabilitation of the „Kuźnica Warężyńska” Sand Mine „Rakowice Wielkie” Flood Protection Resrevoir We have implemented an integrated management system EN ISO 9001: 2000, EN ISO 14001: 2004, OHSAS in the range of designing and consulting in the field of hydraulic hydropower and civil engineering, renewable energy and environmental protection. We also receive a special prize of the Chairman of the National Water Management Council for the implementation of the "Rakowice Wielkie" power plant and weir, as recognition of Hydroprojekt's achievements in water management as well as water and environment protection.

The ownership structure of the company changes
Hydroprojekt becomes part of the Royal HaskoningDHV Group We receive a distinction in the XI edition of the Ministry of the Environment Competition – „Polish Ecology Leader 2007/2008” for the project of "Fish passes as an effective tool to counter the effects of crossing the rivers with hydraulic facilities.
We are awarded the „Green Laurel” Award in the fifth edition of the Polish Chamber of Commerce Sustainability for outstanding project, unique because of the scale and importance for the environment: Tailings Storage Facility „Żelazny Most”

We become the supplier of innovative wastewater treatment technology Nereda®

Together with Royal Haskoning DHV, we are implementing an information system that optimizes the operation of water supply systems OPIR® We are awarded with the EXPO SILESIA Medal for the Small Hydropower Plant Project on the Biała Przemsza River in Sosnowiec Maczki
We change the company name to DHV Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o.
Our Group receives the Anti-corruption Compliance System Certificate, awarded by the ETHIC Intelligence International Certification Committee
On August 12, 2019, the DHV Hydroprojekt consortium signed a contract for a key flood protection project, i.e. the new Lubiąż water barrage on the Odra River in the Lower Silesian Voivodship. The water barrage will consist a multi-span weir, a two-chamber navigation lock, a fish pass and a hydropower plant. In addition to the flood protection function, the implementation of the project will enable the proper development of the Odra Waterway. We are proud that once again we can participate in the implementation of such a significant project! [Photo: Water Holding Polish Waters Regional Water Management Board in Wrocław]

We change the company name to HaskoningDHV Polska Sp. z o.o.
At present
We are providing top quality design and consulting services, developing our skills constantly.
According to our Group Policy we create solutions for the sustainable interaction between people and their environment, in partnership with our clients.
We want clients to choose us as a partner for resolving their complex challenges. We strive to answer the question behind their questions and to create added value through innovation and an appreciation of context.
We wish to be a strong, global, independent engineering consultancy - sustainable and leading in our markets. Together we create an inspiring environment that we can be proud of and that others will want to join.