Lubiąż water barrage on the Oder river

Stopień wodny Lubiąż

Project on map

Lubiąż water barrage on Oder river

A consortium led by DHV Hydroprojekt Sp. z o.o., was selected by the Polish Waters as the contractor of the Lubiąż water barrage project, which is to be built on the Lower Silesian section of the Oder. This is another water barrage on the Odra River, after the newly built one in Malczyce, which will be designed by DHV Hydroprojekt! The implementation of this key investment is aimed at ensuring proper flood protection of the region, significant improvement of navigation conditions, production of hydropower, inhibition of erosion processes in the riverbed below the water level in Malczyce and improvement of water and soil-water relations.


Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie, Regionalny Zarząd Gospodarki Wodnej we Wrocławiu

Contract value

13 mln PLN