Modeling studies on the Vistula River

Provided services:

1.Development of concepts providing:

  • Minimum class IV navigability,
  • Flood protection,
  • Provision of winter flood protection,
  • Provision of safety of the Wloclawek barrage.

2. Performance of (physical and numerical) model tests of the operation of barrages with high and low damming (as a part of the task, physical modelling of the Lower Vistula erosion processes was carried out; at the same time, a numerical modelling of the whole Lower Vistula channel (from Wloclawek to the estuary) was made together with proposed solutions for cascading this section of the Vistula River.

3. Development of assumptions for the construction of barrages on the Lower Vistula.

4. Development of concept of recommended solutions.


Project on map


Study of the Vistula River adaptation in the section from Wloclawek to the estuary to the Gulf of Gdańsk to the large and small cascades - modeling


The State Water Holding Polish Waters, Regional Water Management Authority in Gdańsk


Vistula River

Time period
